Emergency Preparation for Climate Change
Whatever the causes of climate change, bad things are happening, and, if they happen to someone who has not taken the time or made the effort to indulge in some climate change emergency preparedness, the results can be disastrous.
Emergency Preparation for Climate Change
With so much technology affecting our lives, including computers designing computers, the world is becoming smaller, and, a bit harder to understand day-by-day. However, everything which is responsible for making our lives better is often also, to one extent or another, responsible for the degradation of the environment.
We have seen, and lived, what used to be the "wildest" dreams of Sci-Fi writers, and we want more!
What the most "common" person in our western world today has, is far more than the mightest ruler of a couple of centuries ago. Yet, not only are we not satisfied with the wonders which we have at our command, but we damand even more...until Mother Nature gives up and crashes down in a heap.
Almost any day, you can pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV and encounter a story about environmental disasters from all around the world. Maybe some of this is just the result of the natural actions of the planet, maybe some is the result of having more people in more places, but, perhaps some is the result of human activities. Whatever the ultimate reasons for climate change, you might say, "If Mama Nature ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"
Also, whatever the causes of climate change, and the results, these things are happening, and, if they happen to someone who has not taken the time or made the effort to indulge in some climate change emergency preparedness, the results can be disastrous.
Storms, earthquakes, fires, mud slides which cause, or contribute to, the collapse of homes and businesses, are just a few of the disasters which may be caused by human actions...or inaction. Illegal activities which affect the environment, pollution, and the increased incidence of materials which are not biodegradable, can all have their negative effects...and some of these effects may reach disastrous proportions.
One of these disasters can happen anywhere at any time...and...to anybody. Unfortunately, that "anybody" may be you. In such situations, one of the simplest reasons for injury and illness, or just plain discomfort, is lack of preparation.
On top of all those things, the greenhouse effect, whether you believe in it or not, is a strong enough belief in some people to drive them to take action which could interfere with your way of life. In their attempts to combat global warming, many advocates of change are willing to do things to make their point...things which may badly disrupt the normal flow and function of the society we are familiar with.
If they are right, we are possibly in for some very real natural upheavals which we might only survive if we are prepared.
So, while we can debate the causes of climate change, the social, economic, and natural results of current changes in weather patterns around the world are probably past the point where we can change the course of nature, or mankind.
Real climate change can result in higher ocean levels, more, and stronger, storms, fires, and other bad results. Belief in climate change can result in riots and confrontations between individuals, and, perhaps, even nations. While the government may or may not take action, and whether those actions affect us positively or negatively, we can have a hand in insuring our own survival by adopting a positon of climate change emergency preparedness.
As with so many things, knowledge is power, and, having, and reacting to, the facts, will make you better able to assess the risks and prepare for them. Due to the overall uncertainty surrounding the subjects of global warming and climate change, you really have to realize what to expect if attacks from nature, or people, or both need to prepared for.
You need to be prepared for both extreme environmental changes, extreme societal changes. These changes may result in disruptions of governmental services, such as electricity and clean water, lack of commercial services, such as grocery stores, and difficulty in getting support from service providers. Transportation may be disrupted, and medical services may be limited or not available at all.
While one of the most important steps you can take for climate change emergency preparedness is to arm yourself with knowledge, you need emergency essentials such as emergency food supplies, emergency water supplies, emergency first aid supplies. You need to be able to warm yourself and your family, provide clean drinking water, and, perhaps, even defend yourself.
One last thought on emergency preparedness. I am retired from the U.S. Army, and follow the subject of survival closely. Something I commonly see omitted from the list of things you can do to survive any disaster is physical fitness. In almost any emergency, the physically fit individual has better odds of surviving, all things being equal, than the physically unfit person.
Many experts on many subjects cite "preparation" as one of the keys for success, in this case, another word for survival.
Emergency Preparation for Climate Change
Page Updated 11:31 AM Sunday 5/15/2016