Massage - Fascia Work
Fascia are components located between the skin and the underlying muscle. Inflammation and injury to the fascia can often be eased with simple massage therapy.
If you are looking for the information on the following:
the many health benefits of massage is one that will surprise many: the ability to manipulate fascia.
The fascia is a layer of fibrous tissue located between the skin and the underlying muscle. It's here that inflammation and injuries can produce damage that can be encouraged to heal by a good massage.
The fascia form a system of connective tissue that covers muscles,
organs and skeletal components throughout the body. As such, bodywork on one area
often has effects that are transmitted to other parts of the body. Working on the fascia has effects not only laterally, however, but down as
well. Since they cover the muscles, pressing on the fascia sends out physical messages both down at the affected spot and out to the rest of the body simultaneously.
To better picture this, imagine a sheet drawn tightly over a bed.
That sheet (the fascia) covers the mattress (the muscle tissue).
When you press down at one point with a finger, you don't
just create an indentation the size and shape of your finger that goes
straight down. It tends to create a shape resembling an upside-down tent.
That's the result of the sheet being flexible, but attached all around
the rim under the mattress, particularly at the four corners where the
tension is greatest.
A similar effect occurs with fascia.
Since it is a web that runs throughout the system, pressing it affects
those areas to a greater or lesser degree.
Using the knuckles or elbows, moderate pressure is applied to the
fascia, through the skin. Moving slowly, using a technique called direct myofascial release,
the massage
therapist works through the layers, finally reaching the deep tissue.
One popular variation is the so-called "Rolfing"
technique, developed by Dr. Ida Rolf in the 1950s.
Placing a line of tension that takes up the slack in tissue, the fascia
are moved across the surface. It's important here to seek
client feedback since the technique can be painful if improperly carried out,
or if the recipient has injuries or sensitivities.
Employing indirect fascia release can alleviate some of this concern.
The pressure is less, a larger surface area (such as the heel of the
palm) is used and more time is allowed for the fascia to react. One
result is more heat created within the tissue, which helps stimulate
blood flow. That improved circulation brings fresh blood to the
tissues and carries away toxins.
Whenever muscles are manipulated in massage, the fascia are always
involved, since they cover the entire area. Keeping sustained
pressure over time is key to utilizing the technique safely and effectively.
Both direct and indirect fascia release grow out of the world of
physical therapy. As such, it requires some training and
practice in order to use properly. A client's health is always uppermost
and, like physicians, massage therapists need to adopt and adapt a portion of the
Hippocratic oath. "First, do no harm."
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