Of the Nature and Use of Pale, Amber and Brown Malts..
The pale Malt is the slowest and slackest [most gently] dryed of any, and where it has had a leisure fire, a sufficient time allowed it
on the Kiln [oven], and a due care taken of it; the flower [seed bearing part] of the grain will remain in
its full quantity, and thereby produce a greater length of wort [length of wort = greater quantity of liquid from mashing], than the brown
high dryed Malt, for which reason it is sold for one or two shillings per
Quarter more than that: This pale Malt is also the most nutritious sort to the
body of all others, as being in this state the most simple and nearest to its
Original Barley-corn, that will retain an Alcalous [alcohol-like, alkaline?] and Balsamick quality much
longer than the brown sort; the tender drying of this Malt bringing its body
into so soft a texture of Parts, that most of the great Brewers, brew it with
Spring and Well-waters, whose hard and binding Properties they think agrees best
with this loose-bodied Malt, either in Ales or Beer's and which will also
dispense with hotter waters in brewing of it, than the brown Malt can. The
amber-colour'd Malt is that which is dryed in a medium degree, between the pale
and the brown, and is very much in use, as being free of either extream. Its
colour is pleasant, its taste agreeable and its nature wholsome, which makes it
be prefer'd by many as the best of Malts; this by some is brewed either with
hard or soft waters, or a mixture of both.
The brown Malt is the soonest and highest dryed of any, even till
it is so hard, that it's difficult to bite some of its Corns asunder, and is
often so crusted or burnt, that the farinous part loses a great deal of its
essential Salts and vital Property, which frequently deceives its ignorant
Brewer, that hopes to draw as much Drink from a quarter of this, as he does from
pale or amber sorts: This Malt by some is thought to occasion the Gravel and
Stone, besides what is commonly called the Heart-burn; and is by its steely
nature less nourishing than the pale or amber Malts, being very much impregnated
with the fiery fumiferous Particles of the Kiln, and therefore its Drink sooner
becomes sharp and acid than that made from the pale or amber sorts, if they are
all fairly brewed: For this reason the London Brewers mostly use the
Thames or New River waters to brew this Malt with, for the sake of
its soft nature, whereby it agrees with the harsh qualities of it better than
any of the well or other hard Sorts, and makes a luscious Ale for a little
while, and a But-beer that will keep very well five or six Months, but after
that time it generally grows stale, notwithstanding there be ten or twelve
Bushels allowed to the Hogshead, and it be hopp'd accordingly.
Pale and amber Malts dryed with Coak or Culm, obtains a more clean
bright pale Colour than if dryed with any other Fuel, because there is not smoak
to darken and sully their Skins or Husks, and give them an ill relish, that
those Malts little or more have, which are dryed with Straw, Wood, or Fern,
&c. The Coak or Welch Coal also makes more true and compleat Malt, as
I have before hinted, than any other Fuel, because its fire gives both a gentle
and certain Heat, whereby the Corns are in all their Parts gradually dryed, and
therefore of late these Malts have gained such a Reputation that great
quantities have been consumed in most Parts of the Nation for their wholsome
Natures and sweet fine Taste: These make such fine Ales and But-beers, as has
tempted several of our Malsters in my Neighbour-hood to burn Coak or Culm at a
great expence of Carriage thirty Miles from London.
Next to the Coak-dryed Malt, the Straw-dryed is the sweetest and
best tasted: This I must own is sometimes well Malted where the Barley, Wheat,
Straw, Conveniencies and the Maker's Skill are good; but as the fire of the
Straw is not so regular as the Coak, the Malt is attended with more uncertainty
in its making, because it is difficult to keep it to a moderate and equal Heat,
and also exposes the Malt in some degree to the taste of the smoak.
Brown Malts are dryed with Straw, Wood and Fern, &c. the
Straw-dryed is not the best, but the Wood sort has a most unnatural Taste, that
few can bear with, but the necessitous, and those that are accustomed to its
strong smoaky tang; yet is it much used in some of the Western Parts of
England, and many thousand Quarters of this Malt has been formerly used
in London for brewing the Butt-keeping-beers with, and that because it
sold for two Shillings per Quarter cheaper than the Straw-dryed Malt, nor
was this Quality of the Wood-dryed Malt much regarded by some of its Brewers,
for that its ill Taste is lost in nine or twelve Months, by the Age of the Beer,
and the strength of the great Quantity of Hops that were used in its
The Fern-dryed Malt is also attended with a rank disagreeable
Taste from the smoak of this Vegetable, with which many Quarters of Malt are
dryed, as appears by the great Quantities annually cut by Malsters on our
Commons, for the two prevalent Reasons of cheapness and plenty.
At Bridport in Dorsetshire, I knew an Inn-keeper use
half Pale and half Brown Malt for Brewing his Butt-beers, that, proved to my
Palate the best I ever drank on the Road, which I think may be accounted for, in
that the Pale being the slackest, and the Brown the hardest dryed, must produce
a mellow good Drink by the help of a requisite Age, that will reduce those
extreams to a proper Quality.
London and Country Brewer - Preface and Contents