Laser Hair Removal Techniques - Part II

Laser hair removal treatments Part 2
Hair Removal

Biology of Hair Growth

Choosing the Right Treatment

Home Treatments
Part 1

Home Treatments
Part 2

Laser Treatments
Part 1

Body Hair Removal

Facial Hair Removal

Pubic Hair Removal

Electrolysis, Thermolysis, Blend







Revitol Hair Removal
All About Laser Hair Removal – Part II

Before we get started, if you haven't already read Laser Hair Removal Treatments - Part I , you might want to go back and do so now.

When it comes to selecting a salon, or other facility, to perform laser hair removal treatments, experience is more important than costs and guarantees. Never forget that hair removal results will differ from person to person, so avoid any facility that boasts complete hair removal. Also steer clear of places that offer discounts to get your business. Again, you want your selection to be based on an individual's level of experience. Some states have laws governing the qualifications a person must have in order to perform laser hair removal. Be sure you check with your state requirements as they were designed with your protection in mind.

Once that you, and the person doing the treatment, have determined to your satisfaction that you are indeed a good candidate for laser hair removal, there are several pre-treatment recommendations you should follow to ensure maximum results.

First of all, do not tan prior to your treatment sessions. If you do so, you may have to delay your treatment.

Second, steer clear of foods that contain beta-carotenes. A Vitamin A precursor found mostly in brightly-colored fruits and vegetables, and in some vitamin supplements, beta carotene is also a pigment which can tint your skin and impede the flow of laser energy to the hair follicle. Because laser hair removal works best on short hair, two to three days prior to your treatment session, you'll have to shave the area to be treated.

During all your laser hair removal sessions, you will want to wear special goggles to reduce the risk of laser light penetrating your eyes. Despite this ominous sounding warning, the procedure itself is really very simple, and reputable practicioners will provide a briefing and whatever safety equipment is necessary. If they do not, think twice about using their facility.

Once you have been briefed and prepped, the practitioner presses a laser to an area of skin and then very briefly activates the laser.

During that fraction of a second that the laser is activated, the laser energy passes through the skin to the hair follicle and damages it so that new hair can no longer grow.

Risks of Laser Hair Removal Treatments

As with any medical procedure, there always exists the risk of adverse side effects.

One of the more common side effects associated with laser hair removal is discoloration and/or scarring of the skin in the treated area. Laser hair removal can also cause other minor skin discomforts such as swelling, redness, and sometimes even a burning sensation. In most cases, however, the latter are only temporary situations, and that is why I used the word "minor". However, lasting damage or pain should be referred to a medical doctor immediately.

Advantages of Laser Hair Removal

There are certainly advantages to this hair removal technique.

This is a procedure that is non-invasive, and doesn't involve the use of razors, messy creams, waxes or other home-made depilatories. Another benefit is that large areas of skin, such as legs and backs, can be cleared of hair in a single treatment. New hair may continue to grow, but you will notice that it will be a lighter color and its texture will be finer.

Disadvantages of Laser Hair Removal

The disadvantages associated with with this hair removal technique are that this procedure won't work on everybody. This seems to be especially true for those with light-colored hair and/or dark skin. Also, more than one treatment will almost certainly be necessary. The reason for this lies in the fact that hair growth occurs in stages. Since hair growth does not occur in all hair follicles simultaneously, follow-up treatments are required to get the hairs that were not in a growth stage during previous treatments. For some, the cost of the process will be a disadvantage all by itself.

Hopefully, by now, you now have the information you need to determine whether laser hair removal is right for you!

Laser Treatments Hair Removal Techniques - Part II
Page Updated 4:53 PM Sunday 21 January 2018