I. Introductory
The human body a perfect machine - How to keep well - Outdoor sleeping - Exercise and play - Smoking - Walking.
II. The Boy Scouts of America
Headquarters - Purpose - Scout Law - How to form a patrol of Scouts - Organization of a troop - Practical activities for Scouts - A Scout camp - Model Programme of Sir R.S.S. Baden-Powell Scout camp.
III. Camps and Camping
How to select the best place to pitch a tent - A brush bed - The best kind of a tent - How to make the camp fire - What to do when it rains - Fresh air and good food - The brush leanto and how to make it.
IV. Camp Cooking
How to make the camp fire range - Bread bakers - Cooking utensils - The grub list - Simple camp recipes.
V. Woodcraft
The use of an axe and hatchet - Best woods for special purposes - What to do when you are lost - Nature's compasses.
VI. Use of Fire-arms
Importance of early training - Why a gun is better than a rifle - How to become a good shot.
VII. Fishing
Proper tackle for all purposes - How to catch bait - The fly fisherman - General fishing rules.
VIII. Nature Study
What is a true naturalist? - How to start a collection - Moth collecting - The herbarium.
IX. Water Life
The water telescope - How to manage an aquarium - Our insect friends and enemies - The observation beehive.
X. The Care of Pets
Cats - Boxes for song birds - How to attract the birds - Tame crows - The pigeon fancier - Ornamental land and water fowl - Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice - How to build coops - General rules for the care of pets - The dog.
XI. The Care of Chickens
The best breed - Good and bad points of incubators - What to feed small chicks - A model chicken house.
XII. Winter Sports
What to wear - Skating - Skiing - Snowshoeing - Hockey.
XIII. Horsemanship
How to become a good rider - The care of horses - Saddles.
XIV. How to Swim and to Canoe
The racing strokes - Paddling and sailing canoes.
XV. Baseball
How to organize a team and to select the players - The various positions - Curve pitching.
XVI. How to Play Football
The various positions and how to select men for them - Team work and signals - The rules.
XVII. Lawn Tennis
How to make and mark a court - Clay and sod courts - The proper grip of the racket - Golf - The strokes and equipment.
XVIII. Photography
The selection of a camera - Snapshots vs. real pictures - How to make a photograph from start to finish.
XIX. Outdoor Sports for Girls
What to wear - Confidence - Horseback riding - Tennis - Golf - Camping.
XX. One Hundred Outdoor Games


A Boy's Camp

A Child's May-day Party

Fishing is the One Sport of Our Childhood that Holds Our Interest Through Life

The Moth Collector and His Outfit

The Exciting Sport of Ski-running

Swimming is One of the Best Outdoor Sports

In Canoeing Against the Current in Swift Streams a Pole is Used in Place of the Paddle

Photographs of Tennis Strokes Taken in Actual Play

How an Expert Plays Golf


Outdoor Sports and Games - Contents
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Page Updated 6:11 PM Wednesday 7/22/2015